Schools Listed in School Finder
There are over 240 PreK-12 free, public schools included in the School Finder database. This list includes schools in El Paso County, which encompasses Anthony ISD, Canutillo ISD, Clint ISD, El Paso ISD, Fabens ISD, San Elizario ISD, Socorro ISD, Tornillo ISD, and Ysleta ISD.
The site also includes IDEA Public Schools, Harmony Public Schools, and Burnham Wood Charter Schools as well as other free public charter school offerings.
Additional schools, including private schools, may be added in the future. If you represent a school, and would like to be included in the School Finder database, please contact

Find My School District
There are two simple ways to find schools in your district, or near you using the Filter tool on the Find a School page.
Search by Address
Search by a specific address by entering the address. The closest 25 schools will display. You can then request additional schools which will expand the radius.

Search by District
Search by specific districts by selecting the “District” filter, and see the entire area, and if your residence is within that district.

Register and apply before the deadline
Open Enrollment

Please note that as of the 2020-2021 school year, El Paso County's nine public school districts have open enrollment (pending the availability of campus space and staff).
Open Enrollment is a program that allows children who do not live within an ISD’s boundaries to apply for enrollment in those ISD’s schools. This is applicable for grades K - 12. This means your child can apply to any school as long as they register before the deadline.
There are no fees or charges associated with the open enrollment process and acceptance is determined by the campus principal, with final approval authority from the Superintendent. A link to the enrollment page on the district or school website can be found on each school profile.
Student Performance
Assessment Ratings
Each school listed in the School Finder database has a performance rating associated with it.
The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) is the state's testing program for students in grades 3 through 12. It is based on curriculum standards in core subjects and designed to measure what students are learning in each grade level and assess whether they are ready to excel academically in the next grade.
It groups learning performance into four levels:
• Did Not Meet
• Approaches
• Meets
• Masters

Similarly, each Independent School District (ISD) and every school receive a STAAR ranking that reflects their overall performance, based on the performance of their students. These rankings are provided to help parents understand how well their child’s ISD and school are doing when it comes to academically preparing students.
Additionally, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) annually grades each school using an A-F system. Those grades are also provided on each school profile. Unfortunately, academic performance does not need to be included when assigning a grade, and when it is, TEA uses the lower “approaches'' metric, which doesn’t show the percent of students meeting state standards.
These ratings can be found on each school’s individual profile. You also have the option to filter and sort by school rankings once your initial search results are presented. We recommend using the School MEETS Standards percentage as a guide to how well students are performing at each school.
For additional information on school performance data, visit the website and sign up for updates.
Questions related to school rankings can be directed to